Almost there!

Members: There are currently no new members.

After discussing with yasu, we've settled on a projected soft opening date of April 30th, exactly 3 years from the date we put Sakura on indefinite hiatus! If you're wondering, no, it's not a coincidence that we chose this specific date however it *is* a case of good timing that we happened to even be ready to re-open now so we could choose this day!!

Soft opening will take place over two weeks and end on May 14th @ 11:59 PM EDT (current TCG timezone) to give us a week to finish up as many of the decks that are donated during this period as possible, and more importantly: make sure everyone who participated and requested the deck they want for opening has that deck ready! More information about how soft opening will work will be posted on the forums and linked in an update on the site once it starts :)

We will then prepare for Sakura's official re-opening, which is currently scheduled to happen on May 24th, provided nothing goes wrong! You might think this is a weird date to choose but for those who know or remember, August 24th is actually the date Sakura first opened so we thought it'd be fun if 2.0 opened on the same day, although it's a different month! Additional information about opening will be posted closer to the date as well, likely during that week after soft open ends and re-opening starts.


Don't forget—or if this is your first time hearing news about us re-opening—that if you are a returning member, we will be requiring proof of your previous progress (player name if it's changed since, join date, card count & worth, and currency counts) if you want to receive returning rewards when we re-open! This only applies to players who were still active at the time of us going on hiatus before however, so if you had quit and didn't rejoin, or were inactive by then, then you will be starting over from scratch regardless.

Returning players don't need to provide proof if you they don't want to or care about receiving those rewards though, or if you unfortunately lost your trade post over time! But for those who did and are interested in trying to rebuild some of what they had so they can at least receive a portion of what they could've earned (or just want to save/collect their custom graphics from before), we've compiled links and resources to help with that on our Discord under the Sakura category > #faq-and-help channel > pinned messages. You may ask for assistance with that there as well, if needed!


With soft opening decided, there is now a deadline for informing us of any additional positions you want to take on, as we will be opening up hiring for the remaining positions to anyone interested when soft open starts! This also includes previous staff who somehow got missed when we were sending out messages - please let us know ASAP if you want to return and what you want to drop/keep from before. This deadline is April 29th but we may still take late messages on the 30th into consideration, if it's before we start soft open!


For now, at least - we will see you all again in a week's time to kick off soft open and get things started!!

Posted by: Cassidy

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