In classic Cassidy fashion...

Members: There are currently no new members.
Games: Weekly, Set B

...I show up a day late! If you saw yesterday's quick update and are wondering where it went, I deleted it when this was posted so to re-iterate what I mentioned there: yasu and I have switched update weeks!

It ended up working out that she was extra busy with school this week, and I would be out of town next week (I actually leave *on* Wednesday so I can't even update before I leave lmao) so you guys get me 2 weeks in a row, and yasu will see you guys for the next update on June 28th.

That one will just be the regular weekly update so monthly stuff will come on July 1st in another update, but I'll remind you all here as well to finish and submit any monthly things such as donations, monthly games, collecting your birthday gift if you were born this month, etc!!! Please be mindful of the approaching deadlines and note that we may not be able to approve last minute donation claims in a timely manner.


I think for once there isn't actually much to update on?! There are just a few notes:

Rewards Page: If you were having trouble collecting rewards from your account, it turned out there was an issue with how the rewards were sent so they wouldn't be properly displayed or saved to your logs but it should (hopefully) be fixed now!

Please note, however, that currently you are not able to choose the order you collect rewards in if you have multiple. If you try to and click on a reward that isn't the first one listed on your page, it will automatically collect that instead so please keep that in mind!

Lost and Found: I've finally added the cards that have been dropped off from various completed forum game rounds so far, so there should be more cards in the pile now! I also added some of the newer releases so enjoy, and remember the request limits!!

Upcoming Vote: Closed for this week! Please do not vote until the game opens up again next week!


As mentioned earlier, I'll be going out of town next week and the reason for that is because I'll be seeing TWICE in concert! So to celebrate, everyone can take choice cards spelling TWICE which you can claim here!

Wishing Tree

Please take 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions specified otherwise!

  1. JessicaI wish for 7 choice cards for the colours of the rainbow (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple) + Grey (incl. Black and White)! 1 card per colour, and the colour has to be its officially listed border!!   
  2. ShinyaI wish for the gift box access in the special games set, just once! If you already have access, you may collect the gift box one more time!

New Decks

Click here for your deck release pulls.

Posted by: Cassidy


  • Deck Release (2023-06-22): oscarjarjayes07, oscarjarjayes11, acedportgas06, angewomon17, belial04, chii18, grahatia16, tartaglia20, yukarikotozume09, illyasvielvoneinzbern05

    Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): oscarjarjayes15, dedenne01, nanamikiryuu02, kaedetakagaki04, phoenixwright02, mariohara13, mamoruchiba09

  • - Wishing Tree (shinya): usagitsukino17, usagitsukino18, hotarutomoe05, wataruhibiki20, kohaneazusawa18, brightspring06, iwatooshi20, eevee16, renjinguji07, yorforger12, yuukoichihara02, beteloga14, +4 sakuras, +50 petals
    - Wishing Tree (Jessica's Wish): weiwuxian03, eevee01, zhongli02, michirukaioh08, amimizuno07, hotarutomoe06, mamoruchiba08
    - Deck Release (2023-06-22): angewomon07, angewomon17, belial06, belial16, chii02, chii20, tartaglia19, tartaglia05, acedportgas03, acedportgas09

  • Freebies (2023-06-22): usagitsukino13, phoenixwright01, usagitsukino15, killuazoldyck03, hotarutomoe05

    Deck Release (2023-06-22): angewomon07, angewomon17, belial06, belial16, chii02, chii20, tartaglia19, tartaglia05, acedportgas03, acedportgas09

    Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): weiwuxian03, eevee01, zhongli02, michirukaioh08, amimizuno07, hotarutomoe06, mamoruchiba08

  • Deck Release (2023-06-22): chii04, chii14, grahatia04, grahatia14, tartaglia14, tartaglia15, angewomon04, angewomon05, belial04, belial14

    Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): alisaieleveilleur20, akitoshinonome04, pompompurin04, xiao18, amimizuno17, gengar01, cloudstrife20

    Gift Box Access (Shinya's Wish): xiao01, xiao02, airimomoi13, phoenixwright12, killuazoldyck13, nagisaran10, gilgameshcaster06, angewomon05, gilgameshcaster04, misella12, alphen19, alphen13, +4 sakuras, +50 petals

    Freebies (2023-06-22): grahatia12, angewomon20, amimizuno16, chii20, gengar02

  • Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): ichigokurosaki19, loidforger07, nicoyazawa06, wataruhibiki03, aihoshino03, pompompurin01, hanakokoyanagi01

    Deck Release (2023-06-22): belial01, belial02, angewomon01, angewomon02, chii01, chii02, orihimeinoue01, orihimeinoue02, acedportgas07, acedportgas08

    Freebies (2023-06-22): wataruhibiki06, wataruhibiki05, loidforger09, nicoyazawa10, eevee05

  • Deck Release (2023-06-22): grahatia01, angewomon02, belial03, chii04, grahatia05, illyasvielvoneinzbern06, orihimeinoue07, oscarjarjayes08, tartaglia09, tartaglia10

    Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): mercuria03, pochita13, gilgamesharcher01, xiao17, cecilharvey05, kuromi04, emetselch18

  • Freebies (2023-06-22): yurikatoudou03, phoenixwright04, aihoshino18, chihayakisaragi16, mercuria03

  • Deck Release (2023-06-22): acedportgas01, acedportgas02, chii01, chii02, tartaglia12, tartaglia18, belial09, belial13, orihimeinoue05, orihimeinoue17

    Freebies (2023-06-22): sakurakinomoto04, angewomon01, yuukoichihara17, acedportgas03, kurogane10

    Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): belial11, acedportgas04, pompompurin01, syaoranli03, akihayakawa09, gengar03, yuukoichihara20

    Gift Box Access (Shinya's Wish 2023-06-22) kurogane15, kurogane20, rikosakurauchi16, vanitas19, ichigokurosaki19, orihimeinoue11, specter05, taigaaisaka09, loveliner12, mercuria11, eevee11, renjinguji08, +4 sakuras, +50 petals

  • Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): nagisaran01, renjinguji01, pompompurin05, syaoranli06, scaramouche01, hotarutomoe10, gilbertvonobsidian01

    Deck Release (2023-06-22): tartaglia01, tartaglia02, yukarikotozume03, yukarikotozume04, chii09, chii10, illyasvielvoneinzbern16, oscarjarjayes09, belial17, grahatia20

    Freebies (2023-06-22): sakurakinomoto03, nicoyazawa04, sakurakinomoto06, scaramouche07, scaramouche11

  • Freebies (2023-06-22): gilgameshcaster04, phoenixwright04, amimizuno03, chihayakisaragi05, gilgameshcaster11

    Deck Release (2023-06-22): chii01, chii02, orihimeinoue09, orihimeinoue18, oscarjarjayes07, oscarjarjayes14, yukarikotozume08, yukarikotozume16, acedportgas05, acedportgas10

    Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): mercuria10, renjinguji15, pompompurin03, syaoranli01, amimizuno13, hotarutomoe01, yuukoichihara03

    Gift Box Access (Shinya's Wish): amimizuno08, amimizuno12, iwatooshi02, ichigokurosaki14, ichigomomomiya05, gilgameshcaster17, kaedetakagaki20, usagitsukino18, syaoranli08, hotarutomoe02, wataruhibiki18, nagisaran16, +4 sakuras, +50 petals

  • Deck Release (2023-06-22): chii06, chii08, tartaglia03, tartaglia04, yukarikotozume12, yukarikotozume18, illyasvielvoneinzbern08, illyasvielvoneinzbern09, belial14, belial18

    Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): belial20, akitoshinonome05, pompompurin09, titledream13, wataruhibiki11, yukarikotozume19, emetselch05

    Freebies (2023-06-22): akitoshinonome13, wataruhibiki12, pompompurin10, rikosakurauchi19, akitoshinonome19

  • Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 - Jessica): yellowumbrella11, yellowumbrella13, chierisono05, chierisono06, logixficsario01, logixficsario05, yuukoichihara01

    Gift Box Access (2023-06-22 - Shinya): airimomoi17, eeveeheroes11, grahatia02, renjinguji02, loveliner14, kikuhikoyurakutei01, rinmatsuoka09, taigaaisaka11, natsudragneel14, pompompurin10, maronkusakabe01, tartaglia20, +4 sakuras, +50 petals

    Freebies (2023-06-22): wataruhibiki04, yellowumbrella14, pompompurin14, chierisono09, eeveeheroes07

    Deck Release (2023-06-22): acedportgas09, acedportgas10, chii04, chii05, angewomon05, angewomon06, illyasvielvoneinzbern01, illyasvielvoneinzbern02, tartaglia01, tartaglia02

  • Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): rintohsaka20, acedportgas01, yellowumbrella01, syaoranli11, scaramouche02, gengar01, satorugojo12

    Deck Release (2023-06-22): acedportgas02, acedportgas03, angewomon19, angewomon20, illyasvielvoneinzbern11, illyasvielvoneinzbern12, tartaglia15, tartaglia07, grahatia03, grahatia09

  • Deck Release (2023-06-22): tartaglia05, tartaglia06, yukarikotozume19, yukarikotozume20, acedportgas14, acedportgas15, chii04, chii09, grahatia03, grahatia08

    Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): grahatia02, acedportgas19, pompompurin03, syaoranli11, cinnamoroll06, jiangcheng11, emetselch15

    Freebies (2023-06-22): grahatia06, phoenixwright09, grahatia07, jiangcheng06, eevee02

  • Freebies (TWICE): sakurakinomoto08, angewomon03, ichigokurosaki12, ichigokurosaki14, renjinguji10

    Wishing Tree (Jessica's Wish): fatetestarossa01, ichigokurosaki09, judaiyuki08, morriganaensland01, syaoranli04, wataruhibiki20, yuukoichihara03

    Gift Box Access (Shinya's Wish): 4 Sakuras, 50 Petals, aihoshino18, akitoshinonome01, alisaieleveilleur08, chii19, hanyuufurude20, iwatooshi10, judaiyuki20, logixficsario03, onpusegawa20, rankalee05, riku14, riku19

    Deck Release: acedportgas01, acedportgas02, angewomon01, angewomon02, belial10, chii01, chii02, grahatia13, orihimeinoue01, orihimeinoue02

  • Deck Release (2023-06-22): oscarjarjayes11, oscarjarjayes15, chii11, chii18, angewomon09, angewomon10, illyasvielvoneinzbern05, tartaglia06, grahatia12, orihimeinoue07

    Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): oscarjarjayes01, orihimeinoue14, pompompurin03, syaoranli01, amimizuno04, hotarutomoe02, yuukoichihara02

    Freebies (2023-06-22): hotarutomoe03, angewomon13, usagitsukino02, oscarjarjayes17, hotarutomoe06

    Gift Box Access (Shinya Wish -- 2023-06-22): maronkusakabe18, amimizuno02, illyasvielvoneinzbern10, nagisaran10, riku12, yellowumbrella19, rikosakurauchi18, akitoshinonome15, tanjirokamado06, rikosakurauchi12, yellowumbrella04, nagisaran17, +4 sakuras, +50 petals

  • Deck Release (2023-06-22): angewomon04, angewomon13, chii08, chii19, tartaglia02, tartaglia11, grahatia07, oscarjarjayes05, yukarikotozume16, orihimeinoue03

    Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): oscarjarjayes14, akitoshinonome09, edna08, hanakokoyanagi06, cinnamoroll20, gengar02, yuukoichihara07

    Freebies (2023-06-22): usagitsukino02, nicoyazawa04, hanakokoyanagi08, cinnamoroll09, edna14

  • Deck Release (2023-06-22): acedportgas01, acedportgas02, angewomon01, angewomon02, chii01, chii02, orihimeinoue01, orihimeinoue02, belial10, grahatia13

    Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): judaiyuki08, ichigokurosaki09, fatetestarossa01, syaoranli04, wataruhibiki20, morriganaensland01, yuukoichihara03

    Freebies (2023-06-22): sakurakinomoto08, angewomon03, ichigokurosaki12, ichigokurosaki14, renjinguji10

  • Deck Release (2023-06-22): belial02, belial16, angewomon04, angewomon19, acedportgas02, acedportgas07, chii17, illyasvielvoneinzbern11, grahatia02, tartaglia13

    Freebies (2023-06-22): natsudragneel13, shadowbringers06, shadowbringers16, acedportgas01, shadowbringers14

    Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): shadowbringers09, pompompurin14, belial20, kurogane20, acedportgas20, syaoranli14, killuazoldyck08

  • Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): grahatia03, orihimeinoue12, pompompurin17, syaoranli19, tartaglia17, hanyuufurude06, emetselch02

    Deck Release (2023-06-22): belial01, belial02, grahatia08, grahatia09, illyasvielvoneinzbern19, illyasvielvoneinzbern20, tartaglia09, tartaglia12, angewomon01, angewomon02

  • Freebies (2023-06-22): sakurakinomoto13, angewomon08, sakurakinomoto15, chihayakisaragi02, angewomon04

    Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): rinmatsuoka14, renjinguji03, yellowumbrella03, syaoranli05, ourfuturesky03, hotarutomoe01, kurogane10

    Gift Box Access (Shinya's Wish): sakurakinomoto16, sakurakinomoto17, gengar06, nagisaran12, yuukoichihara13, chii20, gilgameshcaster08, ichigokurosaki05, rinmatsuoka15, rinmatsuoka14, logixficsario15, oscarjarjayes17, +4 sakuras, +50 petals

    Deck Release (2023-06-22): tartaglia12, tartaglia13, grahatia04, grahatia05, acedportgas17, acedportgas18, angewomon19, angewomon18, chii03, chii05

  • Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): rintohsaka12, acedportgas15, pompompurin11, rankalee01, akihayakawa19, aihoshino06, satorugojo02

    Freebies (2023-06-22): satorugojo08, akihayakawa20, aihoshino08, acedportgas18, phoenixwright13

    Deck Release (2023-06-22): tartaglia01, tartaglia02, belial17, belial19, grahatia14, grahatia18, oscarjarjayes20, oscarjarjayes04, orihimeinoue04, orihimeinoue19

  • Freebies (2023-06-22): usagitsukino04, phoenixwright01, pompompurin09, chii01, yukarikotozume01

    Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): maronkusakabe09, orihimeinoue13, pompompurin13, syaoranli20, tartaglia14, yukarikotozume01, satorugojo05

    Deck Release (2023-06-22): chii10, chii15, yukarikotozume11, yukarikotozume02, illyasvielvoneinzbern20, illyasvielvoneinzbern10, acedportgas05, oscarjarjayes03, tartaglia01, tartaglia20

  • Freebies (2023-06-22): usagitsukino15, angewomon01, usagitsukino17, chii02, angewomon02

    Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): cinnamoroll08, gengar01, pompompurin04, syaoranli01, belial01, akitoshinonome02, satorugojo01

    Deck Release (2023-06-22): angewomon04, angewomon05, chii03, chii06, acedportgas13, acedportgas17, belial13, belial17, tartaglia13, tartaglia17

  • Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): belial11, orihimeinoue17, pompompurin13, syaoranli10, tartaglia12, gengar06, kurogane16

    Freebies (2023-06-22): sakurakinomoto10, angewomon03, sakurakinomoto14, chii12, angewomon04

    Deck Release (2023-06-22): angewomon05, angewomon06, chii01, chii02, grahatia03, grahatia16, tartaglia01, tartaglia12, belial14, belial19

  • Freebies (2023-06-22): taigaaisaka01, nicoyazawa15, hanakokoyanagi01, killuazoldyck03, gengar01

    Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): belial16, acedportgas10, pompompurin20, hanakokoyanagi02, killuazoldyck04, gengar02, yuukoichihara16

    Deck Release (2023-06-22): acedportgas01, angewomon02, belial03, grahatia04, illyasvielvoneinzbern05, orihimeinoue06, oscarjarjayes07, tartaglia08, yukarikotozume09, chii10

  • Freebies (2023-06-22): wataruhibiki09, wataruhibiki14, pompompurin07, scaramouche15, eevee20

    Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): nagisaran03, denji09, pompompurin11, syaoranli02, wataruhibiki17, gengar06, satorugojo01

    Deck Release (2023-06-22): angewomon01, angewomon02, chii13, chii14, acedportgas15, belial09, tartaglia16, tartaglia08, illyasvielvoneinzbern17, oscarjarjayes20

  • Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): rinmatsuoka03, acedportgas20, yellowumbrella01, yurikatoudou01, chierisono01, gengar13, emetselch20

    Freebies (2023-06-22): rinmatsuoka09, nicoyazawa09, rinmatsuoka11, nicoyazawa12, yellowumbrella08

    Deck Release (2023-06-22): chii11, chii12, yukarikotozume01, yukarikotozume02, tartaglia05, tartaglia06, angewomon03, angewomon04, acedportgas03, acedportgas05

  • Deck Release (2023-06-22): belial05, belial07, orihimeinoue03, orihimeinoue05, illyasvielvoneinzbern06, illyasvielvoneinzbern08, oscarjarjayes03, oscarjarjayes04, chii01, chii02

    Freebies (2023-06-22): rinmatsuoka02, iwatooshi06, cinnamoroll05, cinnamoroll06, belial06

    Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): belial08, orihimeinoue06, pompompurin01, hanakokoyanagi20, cinnamoroll07, gengar05, riku20

    Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): belial08, orihimeinoue06, pompompurin01, hanakokoyanagi20, cinnamoroll07, gengar05, riku20

  • Freebies (2023-06-22): rintohsaka01, nicoyazawa12, rintohsaka02, nicoyazawa14, renjinguji12

    Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): rintohsaka11, renjinguji15, pompompurin10, syaoranli05, chierisono04, hotarutomoe01, gilbertvonobsidian04

    Deck Release (2023-06-22): oscarjarjayes09, oscarjarjayes08, illyasvielvoneinzbern15, illyasvielvoneinzbern19, chii01, chii16, yukarikotozume10, yukarikotozume20, tartaglia07, tartaglia08

    Gift Box Access (Shinya's Wish 2023-06-22): rikosakurauchi13, rikosakurauchi19, akihayakawa18, judaiyuki16, hanakokoyanagi13, oscarjarjayes06, mercuria04, grahatia06, judaiyuki17, renjinguji02, ourfuturesky05, usagitsukino05, +4 sakuras, +50 petals

  • Freebies (2023-06-22): beteloga18, nicoyazawa01, rikosakurauchi01, rikosakurauchi04, beteloga20

    Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): rinmatsuoka19, ichigokurosaki06, yellowumbrella01, titledream02, beteloga08, hotarutomoe04, kurogane02

    Deck Release (2023-06-22): chii03, chii17, grahatia03, grahatia20, orihimeinoue08, orihimeinoue09, belial12, belial16, tartaglia07, tartaglia17

    Gift Box Access (Shinya's Wish): beteloga02, beteloga06, yuukoichihara13, yuukoichihara18, titledream19, illyasvielvoneinzbern06, beteloga15, pompompurin14, tanjirokamado09, akitoshinonome09, acedportgas04, angewomon07, +4 sakuras, +50 petals

  • Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): alisaieleveilleur11, orihimeinoue01, fatetestarossa01, tanjirokamado02, tartaglia14, yukarikotozume01, kurogane01

    Freebies (2023-06-22): tartaglia09, angewomon01, tartaglia08, killuazoldyck01, illyasvielvoneinzbern20

    Deck Release (2023-06-22): belial03, belial04, oscarjarjayes01, oscarjarjayes02, chii04, chii05, grahatia01, grahatia03, tartaglia12, tartaglia13

  • Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): oscarjarjayes02, acedportgas07, pompompurin08, syaoranli15, killuazoldyck16, yukarikotozume17, emetselch04

    Freebies (2023-06-22): acedportgas01, nicoyazawa07, grahatia13, acedportgas20, oscarjarjayes17

    Gift Box Access (Shiny's Wish on 22/06/2023): acedportgas17, acedportgas18, hanakokoyanagi17, natsudragneel02, hanakokoyanagi12, pompompurin09, nunnallylamperouge07, kaedetakagaki07, natsudragneel09, pompompurin16, gengar12, nagisaran11, +4 sakuras, +50 petals

    - Deck Release (2023-06-22): grahatia17, grahatia18, chii01, chii02, oscarjarjayes03, tartaglia18, angewomon01, angewomon02, yukarikotozume19, yukarikotozume20
    - Donator Pull (2023-06-22): acedportgas02, oscarjarjayes04

  • Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): alisaieleveilleur16, orihimeinoue01, pompompurin20, rankalee15, tartaglia03, gengar20, emetselch07

    Freebies (2023-06-22): tartaglia04, phoenixwright17, tartaglia05, emetselch08, phoenixwright18

    Deck Release (2023-06-22): tartaglia18, tartaglia19, grahatia01, grahatia02, belial01, belial02, acedportgas01, acedportgas02, yukarikotozume01, yukarikotozume02

  • Deck Release (2023-06-22): angewomon19, angewomon20, oscarjarjayes12, oscarjarjayes13, yukarikotozume05, yukarikotozume06, illyasvielvoneinzbern15, illyasvielvoneinzbern16, tartaglia10, tartaglia11

    Freebies (2023-06-22): acedportgas02, angewomon05, denji10, jiangcheng17, angewomon06

    Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): judaiyuki11, acedportgas03, pompompurin01, syaoranli01, scaramouche01, morriganaensland12, riku10

  • Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): oscarjarjayes07, acedportgas01, fatetestarossa01, syaoranli04, akihayakawa18, aihoshino10, kurogane04

    Freebies (2023-06-22): rintohsaka04, akihayakawa20, aihoshino11, oscarjarjayes09, oscarjarjayes10

    Deck Release (2023-06-22): belial01, belial02, orihimeinoue01, orihimeinoue02, illyasvielvoneinzbern10, illyasvielvoneinzbern11, angewomon02, angewomon17, tartaglia07, tartaglia08

  • Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): belial20, acedportgas01, pompompurin13, syaoranli02, amimizuno01, hanyuufurude12, yuukoichihara08

    Deck Release (2023-06-22): yukarikotozume01, yukarikotozume02, belial01, belial02, grahatia04, grahatia05, tartaglia01, tartaglia02, angewomon03, angewomon04

    Freebies (2023-06-22): yukarikotozume07, nicoyazawa03, aihoshino04, nicoyazawa04, yukarikotozume18

    Gift Box Access (Shinya's Wish): aihoshino07, aihoshino13, angewomon03, tanjirokamado04, rintohsaka05, akitoshinonome08, meitachibana04, usagitsukino15, yellowumbrella09, maronkusakabe18, edna19, chihayakisaragi16, +4 sakuras, +50 petals

  • Freebies (2023-06-22): akitoshinonome18, wataruhibiki03, cinnamoroll08, rikosakurauchi04, hotarutomoe02

    Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): nagisaran17, akitoshinonome03, pompompurin10, titledream03, tartaglia09, hotarutomoe07, kurogane12

    Deck Release (2023-06-22): tartaglia10, tartaglia11, grahatia10, grahatia11, oscarjarjayes05, oscarjarjayes06, yukarikotozume03, yukarikotozume04, belial06, belial07

  • Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): belial01, tartaglia03, edna03, orihimeinoue17, kaedetakagaki03, gilbertvonobsidian08, nunnallylamperouge17

    Freebies (2023-06-22): tartaglia04, iwatooshi07, tartaglia05, specter03, gilbertvonobsidian15

    Deck Release (2023-06-22): oscarjarjayes05, oscarjarjayes06, tartaglia03, tartaglia04, belial19, belial20, orihimeinoue03, orihimeinoue04, chii13, chii14

  • Freebies (2023-06-22): usagitsukino04, angewomon01, chii01, chii03, kurogane07

    Deck Release (2023-06-22): illyasvielvoneinzbern01, illyasvielvoneinzbern02, tartaglia17, tartaglia18, chii09, chii10, orihimeinoue01, orihimeinoue02, grahatia04, grahatia05

    Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): grahatia06, orihimeinoue03, pompompurin14, rankalee02, tartaglia15, jiangcheng12, kurogane08

  • Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): belial03, denji01, pompompurin11, syaoranli06, wataruhibiki01, hotarutomoe03, emetselch11

    Freebies (2023-06-22): wataruhibiki12, wataruhibiki18, belial15, emetselch06, belial14

    Deck Release (2023-06-22): tartaglia03, tartaglia04, illyasvielvoneinzbern12, illyasvielvoneinzbern13, grahatia01, grahatia02, belial11, belial12, angewomon01, angewomon02

  • Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): oscarjarjayes07, acedportgas01, fatetestarossa01, syaoranli04, akihayakawa18, aihoshino10, kurogane04

    Freebies (2023-06-22): rintohsaka04, akihayakawa20, aihoshino11, oscarjarjayes09, oscarjarjayes10

    Deck Release (2023-06-22): belial01, belial02, orihimeinoue01, orihimeinoue02, illyasvielvoneinzbern10, illyasvielvoneinzbern11, angewomon02, angewomon17, tartaglia07, tartaglia08

  • Deck Release (2023-06-22): angewomon02, angewomon20, grahatia02, grahatia14, yukarikotozume04, yukarikotozume13, belial02, tartaglia14, orihimeinoue09, illyasvielvoneinzbern13

    Freebies (2023-06-22): sakurakinomoto12, angewomon01, alisaieleveilleur11, emetselch02, alisaieleveilleur16

    Wishing Tree (2023-06-22 00:00:00 - Jessica): grahatia03, ichigokurosaki01, pompompurin05, syaoranli11, alphen02, hotarutomoe02, emetselch04

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