it's still wednesday as i'm writing this!
November 15, 2023
I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel!! It's still very faint but rest assured, as some of you may have noticed, we *are* making our way through the backlog of things owed on the forums! I think at this point we mostly have just custom master badges to catch up on in terms of custom graphics (the requests/forms that've been posted for everything else recently being from the past week or so) whereas for stuff like error reporting, sending out rewards (both event-wise and other things), etc, that will still take us some time to get through. But we're getting there! Thank you again to everyone for your patience, we'll do our best to keep working away at everything! FREEBIESWe posted one our Discord the other time to celebrate Pocky Day,If you're a member of our server then you've probably already seen this but for those who aren't or haven't claimed this yet & need a reminder, please note that this is a time limited freebie which means it's expiring on November 18th @ 11:59 PM (TCG timezone). After then, I'll be deleting it from the database so it can't be claimed anymore! EVENT UPDATESOn a kind of related note to catching up on things, there will be a couple of changes to the Autumn Festival Event:
The relevant threads have been updated to reflect this as well so if you forget or need a reminder, do check those out again! TCG NEWSWe've also made a change to how certain Achievement Badges will be handled, more specifically the mastery-related achievements. When we now ask for proof of your mastery counts/lists, please link us a screenshot of the mastery counts in your account overview page (example) instead!This will easily and quickly tell us how many total masteries you have as well as unique masteries, so we don't need to do a bunch of extra steps to count them manually from your profile or trade post as it should be accurate since all non-Hanami Deck masteries are turned in on the site. As for Hanami Deck masteries, we are making an official request for players to list which hanami masteries they're using each turn in AND a link to where you display your hanami masteries. This can be your regular mastery page, a separate page, whatever! We just need to be able to find them easily so we can cross check it with the list you provide when requesting the achievement. And I think that's it for now (that I can remember or think of right now anyways lol) so we'll see you for the next update on November 22! Wishing TreePlease take 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions specified otherwise!
New DecksClick here for your deck release pulls. Add a Comment (34) |
![]() Posted by: Cassidy |
November 09, 2023
Hello everyone! Sorry this didn't go up last night, I had a lot to do and asked Cass to let me do it - she's been such a hardworker insert :pamcry: emoji here, I can't let this poor child keep doing everything by herself. EVENT CARDFeel free to take the shiny event card below if you joined before my birthday (10/19)!! Everyone rejoice!!! The beauty!!! How exquisite!!! How perfect!!! Cass was talking when she showed it to me and, I'm sorry Cass, for paying zero attention.![]() ev-yasuday2023 GAMESDon't forget: Upcoming Vote is now closed for the week! So, you're only allowed to play Weekly and Set B games! Regarding the event games, since Cass couldn't finish coding the new set yet, we're allowing you to play them twice this week!I hope you enjoy your new decks, games and the wishes! We will see you now on November 16th, with one of us! Wishing TreePlease take 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions specified otherwise!
New DecksClick here for your deck release pulls. |
![]() Posted by: yasu |