Sakura Returns!

Members: There are currently no new members.
Games: Weekly, Bonus Weekly

Finally, Sakura is officially open!! It took us a long time to get here after going on hiatus three years ago so once again, thank you to everyone who waited for us! Yasu and I will do our best to run Sakura and hopefully, keep it open for a while :)

Now that we're re-opened, everyone can begin joining the TCG & signing up on the forums if you haven't yet! Please note you will need to 1) activate your TCG account by clicking a link sent to your e-mail, and 2) wait for admin approval of your account before you're considered an official, active member so make sure you do BOTH steps!! Failure to do both will result in your account not working.

As a reminder, the general registration flow is: join the TCG > upload your starter pack > sign up on the forums > receive your starter pack bonus > upload that and message both admins when you're done > wait for account approval. You can find more information and details on the forums and the join page itself!

For deck makers who already have an approved account, please send a message in our deck maker channel on Discord with your desired collecting deck so we can manually send you your starter pack. You will then follow the regular sign up process like everyone else where you'll request a starter pack bonus and message us again once it's uploaded, which means you cannot trade, play games, etc until that process is complete even though your account is already approved!


Officially approved members (those who have been moved from "pending" to "active" on the members list) can freely participate in the TCG! This includes trading, services, activities, and some games – with a few exceptions.

  • Donations will not open back up until June, along with most of the games, but all other services and activities are free to use!
    • As of May 27th, Masteries seem to be broken and there are some issues with Special Masteries as well so apologies for that! Fixed!
    • There is also a known error with the referral rewards and "gift" you get (that I think is from receiving a certain amount of referrals?) that is affecting being able to collect deck making pay as well (at least for those this applies to) so no need to report this! Fixed!
  • For now, members can ONLY play the Weekly and Bonus Weekly sets (the latter being a freebie of sorts to celebrate returning, as normally that set is only available with a character skill). If you have a birthday in May, you can also play Birthday Party as well but make sure to collect your gift before the end of the month!
    • Please do NOT play Higher or Lower and Early Bird, however, as those will start at a later date (forum games will start after May 31st, and Early Bird will be playable once we've released more decks).
    • There were errors with Omikuji, Crazy Cards, S.O.S, and Slot Machine as well but they should all be fixed now! Please give them a hard refresh if you had problems with them earlier and try playing them again.
    • Otherwise, please play the other games in the above sets only ONCE before the next update! If you accidentally refreshed a reward or something else that affects your logs, card count and/or currency count, report it on the forums.


As I'm sure you've noticed, we haven't fully started everything up yet due to the day we're opening on and the fact that our next weekly update day is a day before a new month, so we will be unveiling more then! We honestly considered postponing the update until then too because of how busy we suddenly got and how much stuff we have to do that came up last minute but figured we could let you guys get started since we believe a lot of you are eager to start playing again so please understand if we take a bit longer to reply to everyone, get your stuff made, approve accounts, etc.

5/29 EDIT: In addition, I want to apologize for all the errors popping up... I swear I tested everything multiple times before re-opening so I have no idea why so many things aren't working as they should be right now T_T but I will be looking into everything now that I'm back home!

That said, we'll see you guys again on June 1st for what is sure to be a massive combined weekly and monthly update with new decks, freebies, event cards, and more stuff opening up! We'll start sending out the donation rewards from soft opening, returning bonuses, etc next month as well. Thanks again for your patience and enthusiasm!! ❤️

Posted by: Cassidy

And that's a wrap!

Members: There are currently no new members.

Only on soft opening, anyways! We had a very successful run with well over 500 deck donations and much more graphic donations than expected so thank you to everyone for your enthusiasm!! It was (and still kind of is lol) overwhelming and we think some of you are very crazy but at least this assures us that there is interest in Sakura!

Due to the large amount of donations, we don't believe we'll be able to make them all before opening so we will just be prioritizing those that have been requested for opening, as well as anything else our deck makers complete between now and then. Apologies if anyone's donations aren't made in time but rest assured they will be made eventually! Link buttons will be added to the site ASAP so as long as you posted them on the forums, you're good! If there are any problems, we'll let you know and give you time to fix any issues and drop them off again.

On that note, the official grand re-opening is still set for May 24th! I've somehow gotten a packed weekend schedule for the rest of the month however, so I will be rarely available from Friday to Sunday the next two weekends (May 19-21 and May 26-28) due to being out of town. I'll generally be leaving on a Friday and returning on a Monday both weekends so depending on how busy/tired I am on those days or not, I might not be able to get to much (if anything at all) so please be patient! Yasu is also busy so both of us may not be around as much right now but we'll do our best to at least answer questions, etc at the minimum; responses just may be delayed more than usual.

This shouldn't affect opening though since mostly everything *is* done, as all we really have left to do is making decks like mad and finishing up hiring staff and deck makers so do not worry about any delays there! We ask for your understanding and patience, and pray none of you burn things down while we're not around <3 But as a reminder, if you're not sure about an answer to a question asked, please refrain from responding in case it ends up being misinformation! We appreciate people wanting to help but just wait for one of us to reply to prevent any possible confusion; we promise we'll answer as soon as we're able to.

In the mean time, we would like to once again remind anyone who participated during soft opening AND donated at least one (1) deck to double check that you've submitted your opening deck request! This way, we can ensure there will be at least one deck of interest to you, so you can start collecting it from the start. The thread is still unlocked even though soft opening is finished but it will close on May 23rd (however, we strongly recommend you submit your request sooner than later so we have more time to have it made)! If you forget to and the deadline passes then sorry but you snooze, you lose!

Posted by: Cassidy