valentines' month is upon us!

Members: There are currently no new members.
Games: Monthly, Special

It feels like 2025 started a week ago...



This event card can be taken at any point during the month no matter when you joined!


A new month means a new spotlight member! Congrats Eli, RNG has decided that you're our featured star for February~

Don't forget to send Cassidy a forum PM with the 2 decks you want made and/or released during the month, and newly added: please choose 10 decks and/or specific cards you'd like to see be used in Memory Test as well!


New Years event has now ended, so it's services & games cannot be used anymore!

Trading Rewards Which also means trading rewards have been reset back to normal! And Cass has changed how the outgoing/incoming fields look, so now they're text areas. Better and easier viewing, I approve.

Christmas Countdown The deck masteries thread has been closed! Womp womp. We'll pass out rewards for these once we're done being late with the other older event rewards hehehe


Monthly site & forum games are now updated!

Donations have reset so any claims from last month that weren't submitted on time have been cleared from the spreadsheet (except whoever got an extension granted), and can now be re-claimed by the original player or someone else! Of course, regular claiming is open as well.

February babies can now claim their birthday present and apply for their achievement badge on the forums! If you forget to before the end of the month, you'll miss out on it until next year~

The next update will be February 5th, but until then, enjoy the monthly games!!

Wishing Tree

Please take 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions specified otherwise!

  1. OujiI wish for double rewards on the Monthly games! — No need to refresh the rewards page! If using a coupon to double rewards in addition to this wish, refresh the page and take everyhing again.
  2. EnderI wish for one free choice special coupon or rare coupon!!

Posted by: yasu

happy lunar new year!

Members: There are currently no new members.
Games: Weekly, Set B, Upcoming Vote

I don't have much to say this week (for once) besides the usual end-of-the-month reminders!

Don't forget to play the monthly games (including Sakura Matsuri!!!), turn in your January donations, collect the gift & apply for the achievement if your birthday was/is this month, grab the monthly event card, etc!!

Event-wise, the LE Event Deck Masteries for the Christmas Countdown '24 deck is open until the 31st, and the New Years 2025 mini event also finishes then which includes the double trading rewards, New Years Exchange, and the New Years Omikuji! If you bought tickets for that, make sure you use them before then or else they will go to waste as we won't give any refunds for un-used tickets.

And that's it, I think! See you all on February 1st for the monthly update! :3c


We just have one to celebrate 1500 regular decks released! As long as you joined before today, you may take this event card!



And before we get to the rest of the update, a little freebie to celebrate Lunar New Year! Everyone can take choice cards spelling YEAR OF SNAKE, no more than 2 cards per deck. Claim them HERE if you want it saved to your site logs!

Wishing Tree

Please take 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions specified otherwise!

  1. KiraiI wish for 10 random cards!   
  2. LexI wish for 5 choice cards of video game characters!!   

New Decks

Click here for your deck release pulls.

Posted by: Cassidy