another wednesday, another update

Members: There are currently no new members.
Games: Weekly, Set A, Upcoming Vote

Hello beloved Sakura members. I hope everyone's having a lovely week.


Weekly, Set A and the special weekly games have all been updated and are free to be played. And yes, you may use Upcoming Vote again. It's weekly! Vote every week!


This is an uneventful update, but Cass has asked me to drop off a few notes below. Please take your time to read them!

  • Four Seasons (Summer/Current): Bingo cards for current Four Seasons have been made! Cass says the only ones pending are the ones that had errors in their forms, so she'll get to them once everything's settled!

  • Four Seasons (Spring/Past): Regular rewards claiming close tomorrow, which is July 11th. If you still didn't post it, this is now your last chance.

  • Cupid's Chocolate Event: It's a little late, but Cass, our angel admin, has started going through the rewards for these. Slowly but surely. We thank our beloved users for waiting so patiently, and ask for understanding as she is tackling it as time lets her.

I hope you all enjoy your new decks, games and the wishes! We will see you again on July 17th!

Wishing Tree

Please take 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions specified otherwise!

  1. JessicaI wish for 15 random cards!   
  2. JoeyI wish for choice cards spelling SUPERNOVA!   

New Decks

Click here for your deck release pulls.

Posted by: yasu

hello... a day late... again...

Members: There are currently no new members.
Games: Weekly, Set B, Upcoming Vote

Remember when I said pray I don't forget about to update or have to post it late... well! For those who aren't in the Discord, I made a quick notice that I'd have to delay the update because I forgot I'd be out all day on Wednesday and I legit only got home *after* midnight so. yeah. Update was pushed to today, Thursday!

I do want to apologize for how this is a day late though (or rather, almost *two* days late because I needed to catch up on sleep today) so I'm going to give some extra freebies today to make up for how late and slow I've been lately :') So let's get to it, and we'll see you next on June 10th!!


I know I'm also very behind on some other things that are more time sensitive—namely finishing up those bingo cards—but I promise I'll get to them ASAP!! I'm kind of rushing this update to make sure I post before midnight in less than an hour from now, so I'm basically releasing decks first and will add in other stuff after, so I may edit this post as I finish things up. Apologies for the messiness of everything!

I did want to mention: one of the decks release today (nai) is indeed not made yet so it'll appear as a broken image/link for now. This is the second of our June spotlight member's requests but I completely forgot about making it on time, so I'm going to do that ASAP as well and then upload the files once it's ready. Feel free to take pulls from it, master it, trade, etc however and just upload the images later once the deck is made! The deck nai is now made and uploaded!

Set B games are also NOT updated with new rounds, but go ahead and play the old rounds anyways (I won't update them this week). I will still post a new round of Encore later but if you forgot to claim the freebies from the last round, go ahead and claim them now before the thread is locked! New Encore round is now open HERE!

Weekly and Bonus Weekly should be good to go because those are mostly automatic anyways but for card-taking/trading related games, there may be Hanami cards still in the piles so if there are, don't worry; I will remove and replace those with new cards after as well. Hanami cards in the affected games have been replaced, feel free to play them like normal now if you haven't already!

Lastly, I'll post a compiled update on the Discord once the full update today is complete!!


First up, one to celebrate the 4th of July for all you Americans out there: everyone can take choice cards spelling AMERICA (max. 2 per deck) + 5 random RED cards + 5 random BLUE cards! Claim the choice cards HERE and grab the random cards from HERE (under the "Red Decks" and "Blue" sections respectively).

You can pick and choose which cards you want from whatever is randomly generated upon first loading the page but no refreshing for different cards! Please also comment with what you take and add it to the same log with the choice cards you claimed (whether you're taking everything at once or random cards now/choice cards later).

Second is the apology freebies: everyone can take 10 random cards of a SINGLE COLOUR of your choice (use the same randomizer linked above) + 1 rare coupon, 2 special coupons, and 3 regular coupons of your choice! No limits or restrictions, just comment with what you take for everything and for the coupons, link to this update as proof when using them later on (if it's required).

Wishing Tree

Please take 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions specified otherwise!

  1. CasI wish for double rewards on the Weekly games! — No need to refresh the rewards page! If using a coupon to double rewards in addition to this wish, refresh the page and take everyhing again.
  2. Ouji / AdelicyaI wish for choice cards spelling FIREWORKS!   

New Decks

Click here for your deck release pulls.

Posted by: Cassidy