it's september????

Members: Cherry — Welcome to the TCG!
Games: Monthly (Site), Birthday Party, Sakura Spotlight

I feel like August *just* started and now it's already September???? Crazy how time works... so naturally, I almost forgot about the update, tehe! :3c But luckily I did remember and so here I am, with only half a brain cell, writing this for ya'll so let's get to it!


As always, it'll be in the sidebar so it can be grabbed at any point during the month no matter when you joined! Don't forget to grab it before the month is over or you'll miss out on it~



A new month means a new spotlight member! Congrats Bommiie, RNG has decided that you're our featured star for September~

Don't forget to send me (Cassidy) a forum PM with the 2 decks you want made and/or released during the month, and newly added: please choose 10 decks and/or specific cards you'd like to see be used in Memory Test as well! They will be changed ASAP, if not around the time I receive the PM then by the next weekly update at the latest. Otherwise, make good use of your benefits for the next 30 days!


Here goes the usual stuff!

Forum Games: The monthly ones will be updated as their staff get to them so if new rounds aren't already up by the time I post this, check back later in the week! Site games should all be updated.

Donations: With the exception of some late claims and those with an extension, everyone who claimed donations last month submitted everything on time - congrats, and thank you everyone for making this job quick and easy! With that said, September claims are now open!

September Birthdays: You know what time it is...! Grab your present, apply for your achievement badge, and we wish you a happy birthday!


Just a few more things before I leave things here!

Trading Rewards: The amount of trade points needed to complete a trade meter has been reset to the original amount of 20 trade points! If there are any errors with the form, do let me know because it's possible I may have overlooked one of the changes I needed to make regarding this.

Four Seasons: With the end of August, our Summer 2024 season has concluded for the most part! The only thread that'll remain open is the Bonus Rewards Claiming, until November 30th. The Regular Rewards Claiming has closed as of yesterday and it + all the rest of the season's threads have been moved to the "Past Rounds" section but will be (slowly) rewarded, along with the Spring 2024 Bonus Rewards which we're also still working on!

As for the Autumn 2024 season, I will hopefully have all the information up for Wednesday, or even sooner if I'm able to so registrations can open ASAP! For reference, not much will change for this season's tasks as far as I know so feel free to start planning things already so you'll be prepared once that starts :)


And I believe that's all for today! We'll see you again on September 4th for the weekly update!!

Posted by: Cassidy

early-ish and on-time update (from me) for once?!

Members: There are currently no new members.
Games: Weekly, Set B, Upcoming Vote

Even though I didn't get as much sleep as I would've liked to last night, I do feel awake enough to do this and not put it off for longer so let's go!! It's mostly just end of the month reminder stuff, and also an update on the anniversary event I mentioned before, but I would appreciate it if everything was read anyways :3

After this, our next update will be the monthly one on September 1st, followed by the regular weekly update on September 4th. Can you guys believe there's only 4 months left in the year?!


Monthly Reminders: We only have 3 more days left in August! Make sure you submit any donations claimed, finish playing the monthly set of games, pick up your present & apply for the achievement badge if you had your birthday this month, etc. This month's Sakura Matsuri is also still ending on the 31st as well so if you want to participate, finish it quickly!! And lastly, don't forget to grab the monthly event card too, if you haven't yet!!

Four Seasons: Please note that the deadlines for BOTH the Spring 2024 Bonus Rewards and Summer 2024 Bingo/Regular Rewards threads are also August 31st!!! For the Summer 2024 season specifically, this means that no more tasks can be completed nor can completed bingos be turned in for regular rewards, once the clock rolls over to September 1st in the TCG's timezone.

Trading Rewards: Also ending at the end of the month is the wish granted in the August 2nd update that made it so trade meters would be completed with only 10 trades, as opposed to the usual 20. If you want to take advantage of this, make sure you submit your trade logs to the site and claim those rewards ASAP!!!

August Deck Requests: I am aware that there are many decks which were requested this month that were not released on time, which I apologize for! As soon as they're made and dropped off/added to the site by their respective deck maker, we will release it ASAP and it won't count as a request made during whatever month the deck ends up being released in (so affected players may still use new coupons to request more decks in the following months if they choose to, and that would be allowed).

Lost and Found

If you're a member of our Discord, you may have already seen this already but for those of you who haven't, this is a reminder to everyone that there ARE limits to how many cards you can take altogether, as well as how many cards per deck you can claim each week!

The maximum limit is 3 cards per deck (per claim/week), whereas the maximum limit of total cards you can take overall varies depending on your member status and/or character skills and current card worth count. All of these rules and limits are outlined on the request page itself and have been there from the start so please read them over again to re-familiarize yourself!

With that said, I have gone ahead and added new cards to the pile (both drop offs from various games and new cards entirely, including some of the new releases this week) and we'll slowly make our way through approving the claim requests from this year so we can get a more accurate card count for the Lost and Found pile, and better know how many new cards to add to keep the piles fresh!

Anniversary Event Update

As mentioned before, I do have plans and ideas for one written out, however I'm not positive that I can properly run and oversee it at the moment because not only are we still behind on other things including past events, I'm worried I won't have the time or energy to feel satisficed starting it in general until I fee like I'm more on top of things around here.

I always feel bad when there's a long delay between when an event ends and when the rewards & etc are sent out, and me continuously adding onto that already existing work when I'm already not the fastest or more consistent in keeping up with everything is definitely not helping!

So I'm going to postpone this event for a bit (especially because I've had the general outline ready since last week but I just haven't been able to fully write up the info pages and set everything up yet, which is indicating to me that maybe I should hold off on this event for the time being) but I will definitely deliver it to you guys once I feel the time is right!! Apologies to anyone who was looking forward to it! T_T and before anyone asks, no, the idea is not anything related to or similar to sportsfes!

Wishing Tree

Please take 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions specified otherwise!

  1. SelenaI wish for 5 choice cards!!   
  2. AshleyI wish for 1 free regular or special coupon!

New Decks

Click here for your deck release pulls.

Posted by: Cassidy