bringing you ORDER and cards

Members: SalyaDarken — Welcome to the TCG!
Affiliates: Moon CrystalCheck out our neighbors!
Games: Weekly, Set B

Hello, it is everyone's favourite no-fun admin, me!!!! My head is running on empty right now so if I forget anything or make a mistake, please be gentle with me :') I'll get into the update now, and yasu will see you all for the next one on July 26th (which will be the last update for the month but it won't be combined with the monthly update which will be on August 1st)! Enjoy the increased deck release for the foreseeable future too~


Tanabata Event: We've finally settled on the cards list for the Two of a Kind mini game! You can find it on the event info page now. Remember that you and your partner only need to choose 5 of the cards from the provided list, and both of you need to bring your own copy of each card to complete the task! (Also, I think we forgot to mention this as well but if anyone didn't know, the page has an event FAQ since last week!)

Hanami Decks: We've found an error with the on-site rewards forum so while completely unlocked Hanami Decks will continue to be added to the site like before, mastering other players' decks will be carried out on the forums for the time being! You can find more information about that in the information thread and request mastery rewards in your personal threads instead for now.

Box Sets: This only applies to those who had a new Box Set Sheet made by me in this past week but there were a couple of errors in the PSD I used to make them that I only caught *after* I had made everything (such as more spacing between the 5th and 6th deck in the collection list, as well as different sized check boxes) – if you are a part of this batch and would like your graphic edited to fix these errors, please let me know! They're pretty minor and probably aren't that noticeable if you aren't looking for it however I understand uniformity and consistency is important to some so I'm willing to edit anyone's graphics if requested!!

Affiliates: We have our first one! You can check it out linked above but the TCG won't be listed on our actual affiliates page yet, since I'm unable to approve it right now. I will be looking into this later though, I just wanted to prioritize getting the update done first!

Lost and Found: New cards have been added! yasu realized belatedly that she was trying to open the wrong admin panel last week so that was why she couldn't update it but rest assured the cards dropped off last week were added along with this week's for even more cards (and it is A LOT because now we have over 1000 cards to be claimed)!!

Wishing Tree

Please take 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions specified otherwise!

  1. KupoI wish for 7 random cards!   
  2. EmelieI wish for choice cards spelling SUMMERTIME!   

New Decks

Click here for your deck release pulls.

Posted by: Cassidy

bringing you fun and games

Members: Melya — Welcome to the TCG!
Games: Weekly, Set A, Upcoming Vote

Heeeeello everyone! Hope you're all having the bestest of times. I am very much exhausted after work, so I'm sure you won't mind this short update - but still filled with the goodies you all need!


As you probably figured out, Upcoming Vote is now open for the week! So, play the games in Weekly (which should be doubled this week automatically, with the exception of Gachapon, which you have to either refresh or play again to get the second set of rewards), Set A, and vooote away!

Lost & Found hasn't been updated with new cards simply because Sakura's MyTCG website isn't opening for me ever since I started this update. If it does before I head to bed, though, I'll update and drop a note @ our discord server (another reason why all of you should join it asap, tbh).


Tanabata Event: I hope everyone is enjoying the event so far! <3 I've seen the amount of posts @ the forums and I'm really glad everyone likes it so much hehe rewards are the best aren't they? And I'm not sure everyone knows this (or even joined the Sakura discord), but the task rewards are now up over here, so check that out!

Hanami Decks: We got our first hanami deck mastery, and as per old Sakura, it can now be collected and mastered by any of our members! Woo, congratulations mina!! Just remember that these hanami deck cards (and any other future masterable hanami decks) can't be obtained through wishes/update freebies unless there's an special exception given.

Below are your new decks and Cassidy will see you on July 19th. I really hope I didn't forget anything... If I did, lmk!

Wishing Tree

Please take 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions specified otherwise!

  1. CassidyI wish for double rewards on the Weekly games! — No need to refresh the rewards page! If using a coupon to double rewards in addition to this wish, refresh the page and take everyhing again.
  2. JunI wish for 5 Blue choice cards as summer is the season for festivals! (And I always think of very dark blue skys during festivals haha)!!   

New Decks

Click here for your deck release pulls.

Posted by: yasu