
Members: There are currently no new members.
Games: Weekly, Set A, Upcoming Vote

Hi guys! I have personal issues going on so this is a short update, but I hope you enjoy it still!


As usual, Upcoming Vote is now open for the week! So, play the games in Weekly, Set A, and vote away!


Tanabata Event (Bonus Rewards): I believe I've sent out all the missing bonus rewards the other day. If I somehow missed you, tho, please dm either me or Cass to remind us! Or if I sent out wrong rewards, even. Mistakes happen.

Lost & Found has been updated over here, with forum game drop-offs and some random newish cards.

With that said, I believe I didn't forget anything. So below are your new 15 decks and Cassidy will see you on August 30th!

Wishing Tree

Please take 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions specified otherwise!

  1. OujiI wish for 5 I wish for 5 choice cards!!   
  2. scottI wish for double rewards on the Weekly games! — No need to refresh the rewards page! If using a coupon to double rewards in addition to this wish, refresh the page and take everyhing again.

New Decks

Click here for your deck release pulls.

Posted by: yasu

how is everyone today?

Members: There are currently no new members.
Games: Weekly, Set B

I hope you're all doing okay! We're already halfway through August which is crazy to me but it do be like that?! I don't have much to say today aside from whatever I mention below as news/updates so let's just get to it~


With today's release, we hit 200 decks! So of course, that means a new event card!! If you just joined today, joined before today, or are an OG prejoiner who joins later on then you may take this.



Mastery-related Coupons & Skills: There were a couple errors reported about how mastering a deck using the deckmasteryrewards coupon, the Mastery Bonus character skill, or both would result in the player receiving 1 extra random card – this should be fixed now!

If this is an error that affected you, we will NOT be asking you to remove the extra randoms you received, in case anyone who had this happen to them has already traded away or lost said cards. However, going forward, if you notice you are getting 1 less card in your reward while using this coupon and/or skill then it is not a mistake; this is what the original reward is supposed to be!

Lost and Found: We added new cards today! As a reminder (or if there is anyone who wasn't aware), we do not guarantee that we will update this every week. While we will try to add new cards when they're dropped off ASAP and refresh the pile once in a while, there is no set schedule for updates!

Additionally, don't forget that once your request goes through and shows up on the pending page then you may take those cards right away and log them as yours. If there happened to be any errors in your request, we'll contact you later and sort it out with you!

Hanami Cards in randomizers/games: We are aware of the fact that Hanami Deck cards are being added to various games where you can trade/claim cards on-site, such as Daikichi's Treasures and Early Bird, however we currently do not know how to resolve this as it seems like the piles for those games are sometimes updated automatically when we change the update date of each game set (or something, we're not entirely sure either lol).

If you happen to spot Hanami Cards in any game like this, please report it on our Discord in the #faq-and-help channel so we can resolve it ASAP! This is one of the few times we'll ask for reports to be made here rather than the forums, so for any other errors/issues/etc, please continue to post those on the forums instead. Thank you!

And that's it, I believe! Next update will be August 23rd with yasu, unless things change and you guys get to see me again! :zenwink:

Wishing Tree

Please take 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions specified otherwise!

  1. minaI wish for 8 choice cards from decks released in July!!!!   
  2. idilI wish for 3 warm toned/sunny cards for summer! Eligible decks must have red, orange, or yellow listed as their official colour but there are no restrictions per deck otherwise!!   
  3. scottI wish for choice cards spelling ODORI!   

New Decks

Click here for your deck release pulls.

Posted by: Cassidy