Members: There are currently no new members.
Games: Weekly, Set A, Upcoming Vote

And of course, my return update is late! Because why wouldn't it be when it's me after all haha... Pretend like this update *was* posted on Wednesday, okay? :')

Thank you so much to yasu for holding down the fort while I was away, and you guys as well for not causing any problems (as far as I know)!! Things will probably still be a bit slow around here as I get back into the swing of things and yasu is still usually busy with IRL stuff so we will continue appreciating your patience with us!


There's not much to report on for this week I think, except for a few minor things!

For those of you who weren't aware, the new round of Sakura Matsuri is up now! You can find October's stalls here and past rounds have been moved to their own forum here. Card Shiritori's rules have also been slightly updated to lower the amount of plays members have to wait before they can post again, since the game seems to have slowed down since earlier rounds! Upcoming Vote is also open again!!

We are also accepting image suggestions to use for the various puzzle games we have, which you can drop off in the newly made Puzzle Images Suggestions thread in the #sakura-chat channel on our Discord! As always, we don't guarantee we'll use it but we're always looking to refresh the puzzles you guys can solve, or using themed images during certain months/occasions for Marathon.

Lastly, some of you may have already noticed that Jessica is now helping us out with the Additional Trading Rewards so if you see her replying to stuff, don't be alarmed!


yasu and I want to do a Halloween event this month but we're kind of stumped on ideas so if anyone has any suggestions or there's something you'd like to do (and we'll see if it's feasible to implement), leave a comment, post in our General Suggestions thread or let us know in the new Event Suggestions thread in the #sakura-chat channel! We'd love to hear it because even if we can't do it, the idea or parts of it may inspire something else.


And that's it for now! We'll see you on October 11th for the next update, but who will it be with? Oooooo~

Wishing Tree

Please take 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions specified otherwise!

  1. idilI wish for choice cards spelling HAPPY OCTOBER!   
  2. MariI wish for 5 orange cards (no limit on these)!   

New Decks

Click here for your deck release pulls.

Posted by: Cassidy

best month am i right or absolutely

Members: There are currently no new members.
Games: Monthly

The best month of all the months is here! And I cannot believe I managed to update the tcg on the correct dates and without messing it up. And ya'll thought I'd break something...



For the monthly event card, you can take it any point during the month no matter when you joined!


Monthly site & forum games are now updated! Also, small request for you guys to wish for something other than a Double Deck Release lmaooo

Donations have reset so any claims from last month that weren't submitted on time have been cleared from the spreadsheet, and can now be re-claimed by the original player or someone else! Of course, regular claiming is open as well. Whoever dmed me to ask for an extension, got it - you have 7 days to turn your extended claims in!

October babies can now claim their birthday present and apply for their achievement badge on the forums! If you forget to before the end of the month, you'll miss out on it until next year~

Lastly, we have our new Sakura Spotlight member! Congrats to Cami for being chosen this month!!

The next update will be October 4th, with Cass! I truly hope she's here by then lmfao.

Posted by: yasu