a quick update

Members: Cas, lagoonaris, Maitland, rain — Welcome to the TCG!
Games: Weekly, Set A, Upcoming Vote

Hello everyone! I'm going to be short and quick, so you guys can enjoy your new update.


As usual, Upcoming Vote is now open for the week! So, play the games in Weekly, Set A, and vote away!


Tanabata Event (Bonus Rewards): I've sent some bonus rewards last night. If you posted before then and I somehow missed you, please let us know. It was a very long list of people, and stuff like that can happen lmao. Otherwise, if you didn't post yet, the deadline has been extended until August 12th, so don't miss it!

Donations: Cass has put up a notice at our discord server, but I'm not sure if everyone saw it, so I'll just quote her on this: starting this month, we ask that players keep track of how many donations they've submitted overall since their first donation, to help our staff easily check when to reward you for every 5 donations submitted. The form has been updated to accommodate this change, which you can check over here.

Below are your new 15 decks and Cassidy will see you on August 16th!

Wishing Tree

Please take 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions specified otherwise!

  1. erinI wish for 10 random cards!   
  2. lagoonarisI wish for choice cards spelling NIGHTSKY!   

New Decks

Click here for your deck release pulls.

Posted by: yasu

where did the month go...

Members: There are currently no new members.
Games: Weekly, Set B, Monthly

It's already August! Can you believe that!!!! I certainly can't because I'm not sure where the time went lol but in any case, a new month is here which means a lot of new stuff for Sakura (and a long update :japanese_ogre:) so let's get to it!


We'll start with August's event card! Anyone can take this as long as you are currently a member or you join this month; just remember to claim it before September. There will also be another event card to celebrate Sakura's original opening so look forward to that in a few weeks!



  • Upcoming Vote is now closed for the week!
  • Sakura Matsuri is now live so make sure you review the game information, check out this month's round, and don't forget to thank Haylee and Mio for sacrificing volunteering themselves to staff it! They're also the ones who created the tasks so if you have any questions about those, please ask them first and/or ask it in the #matsuri-help channel in our server.
  • Sakura Spotlight is also live this month so see who's our very first spotlight member on the sidebar~


  • Monthly site games are now updated! Monthly forum games should have new rounds by now as well!!
  • Donations have reset so any claims from last month that weren't submitted on time have been cleared from the spreadsheet, and can now be re-claimed by the original player or someone else! Of course, regular claiming is open as well.
  • August babies can now claim their birthday present and apply for their achievement badge on the forums! If you forget to before the end of the month, you'll miss out on it until next year~


The Tanabata Mini Event is now over! Mostly, anyways. Regular task submission ended yesterday so any posts made since the deadline are not valid and will be ignored, but Bonus Rewards will remain open until August 9th so do request yours before then if you haven't yet!

We will be getting to sending out rewards for approved regular tasks ASAP, whereas bonus rewards will most likely be sent out later in the week or after the deadline has passed (or maybe sooner, who knows). Whatever the case, we will notify players and post any updates regarding this/the event on our Discord!


We finally have Card Zips available for players who are having trouble with eTCG's auto upload feature! We are aware of the issues some members have been experiencing regarding this so thanks to the help of Jessica, who kindly compiled all the zips we have currently, and Aki, who came up with a potential fix that involves editing your eTCG codes, we have two temporary(?) solutions!

The first is to manually upload cards to your site using the card zips just mentioned. More information on how to use them can be found on their download page! The second will require editing your existing eTCG files so while this fix means you don't have to manually upload cards, we only recommend it to those who are comfortable editing those files. If you are, please check out our Discord in the #general channel and check the pinned messages; it will lead you to the series of messages Aki posted there on how to edit your files!

In other news, I've been making a lot of minor/small fixes and changes to codes and pages around the site over the past couple of weeks (as many of you have probably already noticed) so while everything *should* be working as intended, I wouldn't be surprised if something got messed up along the way... If you come across anything, please report it on the forums in the appropriate thread (or the most applicable/related one)!

Lastly, I was SUPER determined to finally make the Drawing Board decks so you will find those below separate from the other decks in this week's release. If you want to take regular pulls (so non-donator pulls) from either/both of them then they ARE INCLUDED in the 15 pulls you're normally allowed to take, at the usual limits (or whatever your adjusted limits are if using various skills/etc).

I'll also mention that I finally sent out rewards for participating in both rounds as well so if I missed you or made a mistake, please let me know! The new round is up too, with new rules so do make sure you've re-read them or you may lose out on rewards in the future.

And that's it finally! We'll see you all on August 9th for the next update :)


After months, here are our first collab decks: Cherry Blossoms and Summer Days!

The below limits apply to EACH deck separately, so a single player could take up to 2 cards from each deck (for a total of 4 cards altogether) if they donated to both decks AND at least one of their images were used in both as well.

Everyone who submitted at least one image to the deck can take 1 card no matter if your image(s) actually made it in or not!

If any of your images were used, you can also take an additional 1 card from the deck the image was used in, regardless of how many images are in the deck – but you can only choose from the cards your images were used for. Even if 2 of your images made it in, you still only get to take 1 card!

Wishing Tree

Please take 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions specified otherwise!

  1. OujiI wish for choice cards spelling FIREWORKS!   
  2. sayaI wish for 9 choice cards from each color present! So players can take 1 card per colour (red, pink, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, gray) based off the official colour listed on their deck page!   

New Decks

Click here for your deck release pulls.

Posted by: Cassidy