happy canada day?

Members: There are currently no new members.
Games: Monthly Site, Birthday Party

At least for any Canadians out there! For everyone else, happy first of July?! Not much is going on for me today, which is why I can bring you this update from the comfort of my air conditioned home :thumbsup:

The next time we see you will be July 3rd with a weekly update that'll also be done by me :D Pray I do not forget and/or post it late haha............



As always, it'll be in the sidebar so it can be grabbed at any point during the month no matter when you joined! Don't forget to grab it before the month is over or you'll miss out on it~


Aside from what's been stated to be updated above, there's a couple of extra things to note:

Forum Games: The monthly ones will be updated as their staff get to them so if new rounds aren't already up by the time I post this, check back later in the week!

Sakura Matsuri in particular is back for July, and will have additional tasks to make up for May and June being skipped in order for players to get achievement badges for those months! You will need to complete all of the regular stalls for this month + the individual stall for each missed month you want the badge of, so if you're planning to catch 'em all then you're looking at 7 stalls to complete this month :3c

Four Seasons: As of midnight, the summer season has started! If you haven't already, feel free to start submitting things to complete tasks even if you don't have your bingo card yet! I'm going to work on those after this and hopefully finish by today (I already started making some the other day) but I will post them ASAP once everything has been made.

In regards to the Spring Season, do remember that the deadline for regular rewards claiming is July 11th! If you're done with your form, make sure it also says "yes" to early rewards, or you'll receive them after that date. As for bonus rewards claiming, that's still open until the end of August!


Now Hiring: We're looking for new staff again, specifically for Sakura Matsuri! If interested, check out the info on game mods in general here and fill out a form to apply (deadline is July 31st or earlier if we get more apps than expected). Volunteering is not first come, first served as we will review all interested applicants and choose who we think might work well with the game!

Also, please note that this is for PERMANENT mods so you will be replacing our current Matsuri mods entirely, and you will also need to regularly communicate with your other mods (if hired) to coordinate what to do for each round, etc.

Deck Requests: The thread is now open again since we're all caught up on past requests!

Donations: The spreadsheet has been cleared of any claims that weren't donated on time so July claims are now open! I don't recall anyone asking me (or yasu) for extensions but if you did and got one of our approvals (so we just forgot to note it on the spreadsheet) then please let me (Cassidy) know ASAP so I can add it back!!

July Birthdays: You know what time it is...! Grab your present, apply for your achievement badge, and we wish you a happy birthday!


A new month means a new spotlight member! Congrats Lex, RNG has decided that you're our featured star for July~

Don't forget to send me (Cassidy) a forum PM with the 2 decks you want made and/or released during the month, and make good use of your benefits for the next 31 days!


And to wrap up this update, a freebie: everyone can take choice cards spelling CANADA (max. 2 per deck) + 5 random RED cards + 5 random WHITE cards! Claim the choice cards HERE and grab the random cards from HERE (under the "Red Decks" and "Gray/White/Black Decks" sections respectively).

You can pick and choose which cards you want from whatever is randomly generated upon first loading the page but no refreshing for different cards! Please also comment with what you take and add it to the same log with the choice cards you claimed (whether you're taking everything at once or random cards now/choice cards later).

Posted by: Cassidy

half of the year is upon us...

Members: Bommiie, Myubi — Welcome to the TCG!
Referrals: Kairi — Thank you for promoting Sakura TCG!
Games: Weekly, Set A, Upcoming Vote

It's wild how fast time is going by. Here we are, another end of month - with the half of the year coming up so soon, even! I hope everyone is taking proper care of themselves, whether it's winter where you live (my country is pretending that it's winter atm), or summer (pls hydrate yourselves).


Weekly, Set A and the special weekly games have all been updated and are free to be played. And yes, you may use Upcoming Vote again. It's weekly! Vote every week!


It's the end of the month, so this is pretty much the same old, same old.

  • Four Seasons: Our Summer 2024 registration period has been closed since the 22nd - which means current bingo season starts really soon, July 1st! This is also me taking a small moment to appreciate all the help Jess has been giving us by checking all threads, and Cass for even having the patience to set everything up.

  • Birthdays: Another reminder to claim your birthday achievement - celebrate you when no one else wants to.

  • Donations: You guys know this by now - turn in your donations on time or ask one of us for an extension (we never say no!) before it's too late.

I hope you all enjoy your new decks, games and the wishes! We will see you again on July 1st, which is our monthly update!

Wishing Tree

Please take 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions specified otherwise!

  1. SalyaDarkenI wish for double rewards on the Weekly games! — No need to refresh the rewards page! If using a coupon to double rewards in addition to this wish, refresh the page and take everyhing again.
  2. BommiieI wish for choice cards spelling SUMMER!   

New Decks

Click here for your deck release pulls.

Posted by: yasu