another late update

Members: Adelicya — Welcome to the TCG!
Games: Weekly, Set B, Upcoming Vote, Bonus Weekly

As mentioned in the Discord, I had all intention to update on time but I didn't factor in not getting much sleep beforehand so I was really sleepy and didn't feel like I could do everything properly, I'm sorry! T_T

I try not to make a habit of doing late updates but I think no one is surprised at this point when I do haha... so apologies again for that, but let's not delay it any further! We'll see you again on June 26th for the next weekly update~


Surprise! A new layout! yasu knows I've had this in the works for the past week or two (or so) but I was frankly too tired and lazy to actually sort out the colours, etc to use - but figured since I was delaying the update anyways (and I was awake enough), might as well do it now! I know, another idol layout but ya'll should know me by now, right :3c


Everyone can take this as long as you joined before today!


It's mostly just reminders as I haven't been able to do much lately so hopefully I can speed through this!

Event Discord Reminders: This has gone live over on our server already! To get a notification about upcoming event/TCG deadlines, please mark yourself as "interested" in the specific event and it should be pinned to to the top of the server's sidebar so you hopefully don't forget~

Activity Logs via Account page: For the longest time, I had disabled this because of an error I couldn't figure out how to resolve; however, I decided to just add it back with the issue still there but a warning notice about it, in case anyone prefers looking at their activity logs by month versus the profile logs compiling everything into one.

Do note that the currency amounts in the logs that you view through your ACCOUNT PAGE'S "ACTIVITY LOGS" TAB is duplicated so if you're copying site logs to update your trade post, make sure to remove the duplicate or copy from the profile logs instead!


Spring 2024 Season: For those of you who have posted in the regular Rewards Claiming thread AND will not be making any further edits to your post, but have chosen "no" to early rewards - please make sure you update that to "yes" if you want to receive your rewards before the deadline (July 11th), otherwise we will not reward you until after then, as per the rules!

The only exception to the above is if you completed max. bingos (even if your form still says "no" to early rewards), we will still reward you anyways because there shouldn't be anything else to claim that you'd need to edit your post later. If we end up processing forms and afterwards you realize you want early rewards but already posted, please ping us on the server in #sakura-chat to let us know so we know to process it ASAP!

Summer 2024 Season: Don't forget registration for the current season closes on June 22nd which is only in a couple of days (Saturday)! Since our updates are on Wednesdays, there'll be no site post when it closes (just an announcement on our Discord and the thread being locked, most likely) so please remember to sign up before then if you're interested.


Yes... 9 months later... we finally have another one! This one is Tsukimi, all the way from September 2023 - but at least it's done! It's not about how long it took but the result, right...?

This deck IS included in your regular release pulls if you want to claim more cards aside from what you donated so please remember this in consideration of your release limits/restrictions! Otherwise, these are the other claiming rules:

If you...
  • Donated any image(s) during Round 004, even if they didn't make it into the deck, you may take 1 extra pull from this deck.
  • Donated any images + at least ONE (1) of them was used then you may also take 1 of the cards where your image was used (total: 2 extra pulls; 1 from the above and 1 from this - even if multiple of your images were used).
Because the claiming form below won't let anyone take donator pulls from this deck, feel free to just add your extra pull(s) in your comment/logs manually!

Wishing Tree

Please take 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions specified otherwise!

  1. LuluI wish for a special deck to be released!!
  2. EliI wish for choice cards spelling BEACH DAY!   

New Decks

Click here for your deck release pulls.

Posted by: Cassidy


Members: There are currently no new members.
Games: Weekly, Set A, Upcoming Vote

Hello! A quick one, back to usual.


Weekly, Set A and the special weekly games have all been updated and are free to be played. And yes, you may use Upcoming Vote again. It's weekly! Vote every week!


A shiny new event card because we have hit 1000 released decks overall! Woo, go us!


All current members up to this date are free to grab it, so enjoy the pretty new thing.

Custom Graphics

This is a message that Cass wanted me to pass on to you guys: "custom graphics requests from before may 2024 (not incl. even mastery badges, if any) should be caught up on now! if anyone is still missing something please let us know; graphics from after may 2024 will be made ASAP". Have some patience with me making customs tho, my mouse died and I'm about to buy a new one.

I hope you all enjoy your new decks, games and the wishes! We will see you again on June 19th!

Wishing Tree

Please take 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions specified otherwise!

  1. JessicaI wish for one free rare coupon!!
  2. WhitneyI wish for 6 choice cards!!   

New Decks

Click here for your deck release pulls.

Posted by: yasu