happy holidays!

Members: There are currently no new members.
Games: Weekly, Set A, Upcoming Vote

Sorry this is a day late again! I offered to do this week's update for yasu, since I know she has a way busier Christmas than I do and I genuinely thought I'd have the time and energy to post it yesterday, but I ended up spending most of the day napping on and off because my sleep schedule is still all over the place so I couldn't do the update at all :') I feel more rested today though (and not super tired like I was yesterday) so let's get to it!


First up is to celebrate the holiday! Everyone can take this as long as you joined before today. I hope everyone had a good day yesterday whether you celebrate Christmas or not!!



Since the last update, all twelve days of the countdown have been posted and while most of the threads have already closed, Day 12 is still open until midnight (TCG time) tonight! You can get two 2024christmascountdown cards from it if you're missing any - or if you need more than that, check out our Discord as many players are offering up their extra pulls from this deck so they can help you grab what you need!

We also posted a Christmas Day gift yesterday, which anyone can participate in even if you don't celebrate and/or you didn't participate in all/the other days of the event. It's free and easy (just pick a present from the options) so don't forget to post in that thread before December 31st if you're interested!!

Lastly, for those who did manage to collect all the cards in 2024christmascountdown, you have until January 31st to submit the mastery for it to get doubled rewards and custom graphics! If you miss out on this, you won't be able to master the deck at all after the deadline. For more information, check out the mastery thread!


This is actually the last update of December so this is your reminder to finish up the monthly stuff: games, birthdays, donations, grabbing the monthly event card, using spotlight benefits (if this applies to you), etc! I'll be going through the Deck Claims thread after this to approve donation claims but as always, if anyone needs an extension then just DM us with how many extra days you'll need.

Any gifts from the Christmas Countdown '24 event will ALSO expire at the end of the month so if you haven't used any of them yet, don't forget to because they won't rollover!!

And that's it for this week, I believe... We'll see you on January 1st for the combined weekly and monthly update!


To wrap up this update before we get to the rest of the usual stuff, we've got one last present to give you all! Everyone can take choice cards spelling HAPPY HOLIDAYS '24 which you can claim HERE as well as 2 choice rare coupons. You can add these to the log for the choice cards, and edit your comment on the update to include your coupon choices!

Wishing Tree

Please take 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions specified otherwise!

  1. Mio / EmelieI wish for a double deck release! — Check out the release!
  2. moeI wish for double rewards on the Weekly games! — No need to refresh the rewards page! If using a coupon to double rewards in addition to this wish, refresh the page and take everyhing again.
  3. Kupo / JessicaI wish for choice cards spelling MERRY CHRISTMAS!   

New Decks

Click here for your deck release pulls.

Posted by: Cassidy

maybe in the new year i'll be less late :')

Members: There are currently no new members.
Games: Weekly, Set B, Upcoming Vote

Once again, I forgot what day it was... haha... But here is the update nonetheless! I hope everyone's been having a good December so far, and that things aren't too crazy or out of control for any of you!! The end of the year is almost here so do take care of yourselves!!!


First up: if anyone hasn't noticed, we started our Christmas Countdown 2024 event last week! Apologies for not informing the site updates earlier, I forgot to tell yasu about it when she updated last week ;;; But you can check out the event information below, and the event forum for this event HERE where all the gift threads are posted!

While the first half of the days are already closed, there's still a week left of other gifts up for grabs once they're posted, even if you aren't able to collect all the cards in the limited time event deck so do check it out and maybe snag some nice freebies for yourself :3c


I'd just like to mention that this is a very informal offer from me, but if anyone has interest in being back up staff for ANY area on the forums to please DM me on Discord or the forums!

You would mainly be deployed in any sub-forum that looks like it needs extra hands, or hasn't been processed by its usual staff in a while and we're a bit late on things. Or you may even be asked to help me out with various events/games/other threads as needed, when I need extra help! You may not always be requested to assist somewhere but whenever we do need extra hands, back up staff would be the first people we ask!

Possible jobs include passing out rewards on the forum/sending them through stack (or both), crosschecking logs to make sure cards were properly earned or activity was completed, and/or making graphics - but could also extend to other tasks/jobs as they pop up. However, we will assign tasks based on what you're able to do so if you are hired but can't or don't like making graphics, no worries; we won't make you help with graphics!

The point of this "job" (in loose terms) is we'll need you to be flexible and ready to learn how to do things on the fly if asked to (and of course you are actually free to do work, so if hired, please don't hesitate to let us know when you don't have the time or energy to do something/need a break, etc)!

At the same time, please don't offer to help if you know you're already a fairly busy person to begin with or know you might not be able to be as active or around much. I appreciate the sentiment/intentions to help but we'd prefer people who know they can be fairly active/available, within reason! We're not going to force anyone to work but well, I hope you guys get what I mean LOL

There's no deadline to volunteer, and I'll probably put up a formal hiring thread in the future but in the mean time, feel free to ask if you have any questions or concerns! (Also yes, back up staff can request staff pay for the weeks they actually do work!) Anyone hired is also free to step down at any point in time, for any reason, so don't be scared to volunteer if you're interested; I promise we're reasonable and open for discussion!!

And that's it for now! We'll see you again on December 25th for the next (and final) update of the year!!

Wishing Tree

Please take 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions specified otherwise!

  1. KupoI wish for everyone to get 2 choice regular coupons, 2 special coupons and 2 rare coupons with no limits or restrictions!
  2. yasuI wish for choice cards spelling CHRISTMAS PARTY!   

New Decks

Click here for your deck release pulls.

Posted by: Cassidy