this is definitely a title

Members: There are currently no new members.
Games: Weekly, Set B, Bonus Weekly, Upcoming Vote

I don't have much to say because I yapped so much in the monthly update already, just some news and updates to deliver! We'll see you for the next update on June 12th!!


In addition to the regular game updates (which you can see in the "Weekly Statistics" box at the top of each update), there are a few extra notes I wanted to mention!

Doubled Rewards for Set A & B: As granted in the May 22nd update as part of the anniversary freebies/goodies, doubled rewards for games in these sets have now ENDED so please do not refresh any game pages anymore! The automatic doubled rewards built in for Set B should also be removed now but please let me know if it the reward is still doubling when playing it this week.

Four Seasons: The registration for the Summer 2024 season is now up, with new tasks for the summer! Don't forget to ask ALL related questions in the Q&A thread. Registration closes June 22nd while the season officially starts on July 1st (and ends August 31st)!

The deadline for regular bingo reward claiming this season is also August 31st, whereas bonus rewards claiming is open until November 30th! As always, these dates are also mentioned in the registration thread and we will have event deadline reminders for all these dates in our Discord too.

Drawing Board: New rounds (yes, rounds, multiple!) for June are up! Another double theme this month for the "June bride" theme because I couldn't think of anything else at the time :3c


Deck Request Coupon: This is currently suspended for the time being, until we're caught up on the previous months' requests! The thread is locked at the moment as a result but will re-open once we finish what's currently owed. Apologies for how long it's taking on some of the decks to be made/released, especially from April!

Regarding the June 5th Deck Release: Because of the wish granted, I couldn't release the top voted-for decks nor could I release older, less voted for decks like normal if they didn't meet the requirements of the theme so instead I just filled up the release with blue decks that had the most votes for ease! Next week, unless another themed released wish is granted, we'll be back to the regular release format - but please do keep submitting your deck votes like usual! The most voted for decks WILL get released ASAP, I promise!

Discord Reminders: Don't forget to join if you haven't yet! There's absolutely no pressure or requirement to chat in the server at all but it's a great place to get news and announcements quickly (often before we mention it in a site update), ask questions and get a (probably) faster answer (do note that for certain instances, like Four Seasons, we prefer questions about it to be asked in its respective forum thread however), and soon-to-be-added: deadline event reminders, so you can be automatically notified when a TCG deadline is approaching. This isn't in effect yet but will be as soon as I can get to it!

Wishing Tree

Please take 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions specified otherwise!

  1. JessicaI wish for a release of all blue decks!!
  2. KupoI wish for choice cards spelling SUMMER TIME!   

New Decks

Click here for your deck release pulls.

Posted by: Cassidy

well. it sure is june.

Members: There are currently no new members.
Games: Monthly (site games only; forum ones to come ASAP), Birthday Party, Sakura Spotlight

If you've joined the Discord, you'll already know this but yes, I did forget about the monthly update yesterday! I had gone out to watch the Haikyuu! movie then when I got back home, I was so zoned out and just chilling that I wasn't thinking about the TCG or update at all. Then I got invited to play games with some friends (which was like past midnight for me), so I really wasn't going to remember it at that point if I'm being honest with you all lol

So I do apologize for the delay on this update but at least it's not combined with a weekly update with actual stuff ya'll probably care about more! (Which I assume is why no one asked about why this wasn't posted yesterday LMAO) Let's get to it then, shall we?


You already know...


As always, it'll be in the sidebar so it can be grabbed at any point during the month no matter when you joined! Don't forget to grab it before the month is over or you'll miss out on it~


Before I get to the usual monthly housekeeping, there's one thing I wanted to mention as a reminder!

Anniversary Member IDs: In case you missed it, the thread to apply for one (if your personal yearly anniversary as a member has passed) has been posted! Check it out for the rules, guidelines, forms, etc.

Donations: Thank you everyone for submitting your May donations on time! There are a handful of claims from last month still on the spreadsheet as I await responses from the players involved or asked for extensions but otherwise, June claims are open and can now be made. Please refrain from claiming the leftover May donations, however, unless they're officially removed! And if you're one of those who have May claims pending, please wait until you've donated them (or had them removed) before claiming new donations this month.

June Birthdays: It's your time now! Grab your present, apply for your achievement badge, and we wish you a happy birthday!

Monthly Games: Site games have been updated but forum games will be updated as soon as the mods in charge of them are able to post them! At the time of writing, only Collaboration is up but check the forums (or Discord) later to see when the other games are updated.


To wrap up the monthly news, we have a new spotlight member! Congrats Zephie, RNG has decided that you're our featured star for June~

Don't forget to send me (Cassidy) a forum PM with the 2 decks you want made and/or released during the month, and make good use of your benefits for the month!


We will be covering updates related to both the Spring season and the new Summer season so do give it all a read!


First of all: NO MORE TASKS CAN BE COMPLETED ANYMORE! Participating in Story Time has also been closed; I plan to post a final version of the story but as I was working on it earlier, I lost all my progress somehow so I feel a little demotivated from re-doing and finish it right now, so I'll do it later lol

Don't forget you can STILL claim Regular Bingo Rewards until July 10th (the extended deadline) and Bonus Rewards until August 31st, both of which threads will close at 11:59 PM (TCG time) on their respective dates! Rewards will be passed out as the threads state they will and more importantly, once we (yasu, myself & staff) can get to it.


Yes, it's already time for the next season! We'll launch this on June 5th (beginning with registrations) to give us a few extra days to prepare things for the start of it.

While I'll tell you guys to start thinking of what tasks you want to use now that you've all experienced the first season and know what we're getting into/what this game involves and requires of you, I do want to give you guys a heads up that there will be changes to some of the tasks (mostly swapping out or altering seasonal tasks to fit summer), as well as the forms now that I know what would make things a bit easier/quicker for me to process.

Mostly everything else will largely stay the same though so don't worry about needing to re-learn a bunch of new things!


I don't think I ever got to officially thank you all for the love you've given to Sakura, no matter your personal activity level or whether you're still a member (or not)! Reading the replies in the current Encore round have made me smile and laugh (and cry every time one of you mentions any of the SportsFes) but it really made me think about how long we've been going at this.

There's definitely been TONS of bumps and holes in the road along the way but we've genuinely only been able to continue this long because of your guys support! Even if we get busy and tired and exhausted or frustrated and all that, we keep coming back because we love Sakura and we love that you guys love Sakura as well.

We also very much appreciate your understanding and patience with us as we know we're definitely on the slower side of things and take our time with well, mostly everything lol At the end of the day, this is just a hobby for us but sometimes it *does* feel like work, which is why you might notice us taking longer breaks between things.

Not to mention, we do have our own lives to live whether that means we're busy with work or other responsibilities, or maybe we just want to chill and do other stuff and explore other hobbies even if we're online! We know you guys respect that but this is just a reminder because we really do feel bad when we make people wait a little too long for things. However, please know it's never intentional and things slip our mind when we say we'll get to something later once we have the time and/or energy for it - but next thing we know, it's been weeks or months LMAO

Anyways! Before I get even MORE derailed and write an even longer update, I'll stop myself preemptively here and once again say THANK YOU EVERYONE SO MUCH!!! We're not kidding when we say Sakura wouldn't have made it this far or lasted this long without every one of you continuing to play and wait for us so thank you!! Here's the more months together, and hopefully more years~

We'll see you on June 5th for the next update!! :3c

Posted by: Cassidy