Happy June!
Welcome to our first full update! I'm sure many of you were looking forward to today, especially those of you who have already gone trade-crazy and basically depleted your trade pile while trying to rush mastering decks within a week :') but before we get to the new cards, let's tackle everything else we need to first! EVENT CARDSSince this is our first batch, there's a lot to commemorate! First, the following are event cards that everyone can take as long as you joined before today – or you're a prejoiner/veteran who joined later but this update is still within the period you're allowed to catch up on updates from: ![]() ![]() ![]() ev-layout001, ev-forumlayout001, ev-grandopening The next event card can only be taken if you participated in our soft opening! Even if you joined after today, if you contributed during that period then you can take this too: ![]() ev-softopening Lastly, this event card is for everyone to take regardless of when you join or your member status but only during the month of June! Think of it like an "attendance check" of sorts where you can only claim this if you were a member during that month and remembered to grab it from an update. It'll be available on the sidebar too as a reminder! ![]() ev-202306 There's no event card for May since we were only open for a week so don't expect one! Please do anticipate an event card for the TCG's first mastery though (congrast yasu on being the most crazy of the bunch) which will be posted once made. FREEBIESOf course, we have some freebies to give out to celebrate the re-opening and while we wait for wishes to be submitted! So, members can take choice cards spelling SAKURA RETURNS with no limit on the number of cards you can take per deck — claim those here! Enjoy the larger release this week, too, as we will usually only release 10-12 decks per update. Since today is a special occasion and we wanted to hit 50 release decks to have more cards circulating, we decided to drop 20 decks instead! GAME UPDATESNormally, we will just list what games have been updated and can be played in "Weekly Statistics" you'll see at the top of each update and not elaborate more unless necessary but since it's a new month and our first full update, I thought I'd go into a bit more detail this time. Most importantly, please note that the Bonus Weekly games are NO LONGER PLAYABLE unless you obtain the required Character Skill to access them! We only allowed members to play it last week to celebrate the re-opening and give you something else to do while waiting for this update. Four Seasons will also not be starting until the fall as we still need to finalize tasks and other details! As stated, the following sets CAN be played: Weekly, Set A, Monthly, and Upcoming Vote — and this includes every game in those sets! However, you cannot "play" Higher or Lower - Rewards yet, but only because it's unavailable until a round of Higher or Lower has finished (and forum games did not start before today). As for the forum games, monthly ones should be posted sometime today if they aren't already by the time this update is posted — except for Sakura Matsuri which will be postponed for the time being! Weekly and biweekly games may be posted today as well but staff are free to start those on a day different from our weekly update days if it suits the mods better so it's not guaranteed. Please keep an eye on the forums for those! SITE NEWSTo recap, there were quite a few errors mentioned in the last update that have since been fixed but if anyone missed the updates regarding them, you can check the post! There were/are also multiple smaller errors regarding things not displaying properly in profiles and such that affected all players but they should be fixed now too. We are aware of the error reports regarding decks and missing series badges as well but we will be slowly chipping away at them! In *new* news, we've created a thread to request additional rewards from turning in a certain amount of Trade Meters which you can find on the forums! We've also added some cards to the Lost and Found just for fun so go ahead and start claiming from there. You don't need to wait for an approval email or anything once you submit your form as long as it goes through! Some may have noticed we haven't uploaded all the donated link buttons to the site yet, and that many trade meters aren't linked in their respective directory yet — we are working on that slowly also! We have just been prioritizing other things that are considerably more important to handle or resolve first but next on the list (aside from general upkeep and fixing any errors reported as we go) is sorting out rewards from soft opening, staff pay, "Rejoin Compensation Rewards", and the "Returning Player Gift" so expect those sometime this month! We will be making achievement badges soon too, once things have calmed down a bit more, and once we're sure everything is going more smoothly, so we ask for and appreciate everyone's patience and understanding with all the bumps in the road since we've re-opened (and will likely continue to experience until the TCG gets settled)!! DECK MAKER & DONATOR PULLSI'll admit, this completely slipped my mind during the rush and hustle & bustle of things lately but deck makers and donators for the decks released at opening are allowed to take freebies from them at any time! Deck makers can take 1 card from every deck they've made and donators can take 1 card from every deck they've donated — so if you did both, you can take 2 cards total from that deck. If you want to add these cards to your on-site card count, please fill out a Choice Card Coupon form with your pulls! Deck maker and donator pulls do not expire so take them whenever you want. Feel free to comment when you do–or not–since commenting isn't required this time around. We do encourage it though so you have an archive/back up of sorts of what you take! Going forward, new releases will have a link to claim your pulls through which should also include the form(s) to claim your deck maker/donator pulls in addition to the regular pulls but for additional pulls from coupons, skills, etc that this form won't let you to use, you will need to use the above form instead! Now with that said... here are your new decks, finally! See you all on June 7th for the next update! ❤️ New DecksClick here for your deck release pulls. Add a Comment (66) |
![]() Posted by: Cassidy |
Sakura Returns!
Finally, Sakura is officially open!! It took us a long time to get here after going on hiatus three years ago so once again, thank you to everyone who waited for us! Yasu and I will do our best to run Sakura and hopefully, keep it open for a while :) Now that we're re-opened, everyone can begin joining the TCG & signing up on the forums if you haven't yet! Please note you will need to 1) activate your TCG account by clicking a link sent to your e-mail, and 2) wait for admin approval of your account before you're considered an official, active member so make sure you do BOTH steps!! Failure to do both will result in your account not working. As a reminder, the general registration flow is: join the TCG > upload your starter pack > sign up on the forums > receive your starter pack bonus > upload that and message both admins when you're done > wait for account approval. You can find more information and details on the forums and the join page itself! For deck makers who already have an approved account, please send a message in our deck maker channel on Discord with your desired collecting deck so we can manually send you your starter pack. You will then follow the regular sign up process like everyone else where you'll request a starter pack bonus and message us again once it's uploaded, which means you cannot trade, play games, etc until that process is complete even though your account is already approved! AFTER THAT... (UPDATED: 5/29)Officially approved members (those who have been moved from "pending" to "active" on the members list) can freely participate in the TCG! This includes trading, services, activities, and some games – with a few exceptions.
WHAT'S NEXTAs I'm sure you've noticed, we haven't fully started everything up yet due to the day we're opening on and the fact that our next weekly update day is a day before a new month, so we will be unveiling more then! We honestly considered postponing the update until then too because of how busy we suddenly got and how much stuff we have to do that came up last minute but figured we could let you guys get started since we believe a lot of you are eager to start playing again so please understand if we take a bit longer to reply to everyone, get your stuff made, approve accounts, etc. 5/29 EDIT: In addition, I want to apologize for all the errors popping up... I swear I tested everything multiple times before re-opening so I have no idea why so many things aren't working as they should be right now T_T but I will be looking into everything now that I'm back home! That said, we'll see you guys again on June 1st for what is sure to be a massive combined weekly and monthly update with new decks, freebies, event cards, and more stuff opening up! We'll start sending out the donation rewards from soft opening, returning bonuses, etc next month as well. Thanks again for your patience and enthusiasm!! ❤️ |
![]() Posted by: Cassidy |