And that's a wrap!

Members: There are currently no new members.

Only on soft opening, anyways! We had a very successful run with well over 500 deck donations and much more graphic donations than expected so thank you to everyone for your enthusiasm!! It was (and still kind of is lol) overwhelming and we think some of you are very crazy but at least this assures us that there is interest in Sakura!

Due to the large amount of donations, we don't believe we'll be able to make them all before opening so we will just be prioritizing those that have been requested for opening, as well as anything else our deck makers complete between now and then. Apologies if anyone's donations aren't made in time but rest assured they will be made eventually! Link buttons will be added to the site ASAP so as long as you posted them on the forums, you're good! If there are any problems, we'll let you know and give you time to fix any issues and drop them off again.

On that note, the official grand re-opening is still set for May 24th! I've somehow gotten a packed weekend schedule for the rest of the month however, so I will be rarely available from Friday to Sunday the next two weekends (May 19-21 and May 26-28) due to being out of town. I'll generally be leaving on a Friday and returning on a Monday both weekends so depending on how busy/tired I am on those days or not, I might not be able to get to much (if anything at all) so please be patient! Yasu is also busy so both of us may not be around as much right now but we'll do our best to at least answer questions, etc at the minimum; responses just may be delayed more than usual.

This shouldn't affect opening though since mostly everything *is* done, as all we really have left to do is making decks like mad and finishing up hiring staff and deck makers so do not worry about any delays there! We ask for your understanding and patience, and pray none of you burn things down while we're not around <3 But as a reminder, if you're not sure about an answer to a question asked, please refrain from responding in case it ends up being misinformation! We appreciate people wanting to help but just wait for one of us to reply to prevent any possible confusion; we promise we'll answer as soon as we're able to.

In the mean time, we would like to once again remind anyone who participated during soft opening AND donated at least one (1) deck to double check that you've submitted your opening deck request! This way, we can ensure there will be at least one deck of interest to you, so you can start collecting it from the start. The thread is still unlocked even though soft opening is finished but it will close on May 23rd (however, we strongly recommend you submit your request sooner than later so we have more time to have it made)! If you forget to and the deadline passes then sorry but you snooze, you lose!

Posted by: Cassidy

Soft Opening Start!

Members: There are currently no new members.

After 3 years since we went on hiatus, it's finally time: Sakura is now soft opened!

As a reminder, this means actually joining the TCG and receiving a starter pack, playing games, trading, etc is NOT available yet. Instead, you can sign up on the forums and participate in our Soft Opening event for now! It should be self-approved registration (so you will approve yourself via an email that'll be sent to you after joining) but if you're having trouble registering, please let us know.

During the soft open period, we will be focusing primarily on deck donations but we're also accepting graphic donations for link buttons and v2 trade meters. While you won't be able to receive rewards now, you will receive them once we officially open! For more information about how soft open will work, please read its information thread first. If you have any questions, then you may ask us – but make sure you've read all the other threads in the Soft Opening sub-forum as well, in case you can find your answer(s) there!

So go ahead and start claiming decks for donations now!!! Please be patient with us though, especially if the claiming thread gets really busy - we'll do our best to approve claims ASAP but do look through any previous posts before yours, to ensure what you want to donate hasn't already been claimed by someone else and we just haven't been able to approve it yet. Lastly, remember to not make any edits to your claims if they've already been approved or we will most likely not see it it! Please make a new post for any changes or dropping/adding new claims.


For anyone looking to join our staff, either as a mod of some sort or a deck maker, we once again ask for your patience hiring is now open to anyone, new players and veterans alike! Regular staff hiring to fill in the remaining spots we have will open soon, whereas deck maker hiring will only open once we've confirmed who the returning deck makers are (and if we need any more than whatever amount that is hired) so stay tuned for updates on that! You can see the available positions on the forums as well as more information on what we're looking for, expectations, etc. Deadline to apply is May 14th, same as when soft open ends!


Until we've decided on who we are hiring We have decided on the first batch of deck makers we'll be hiring so if you haven't received a message saying so, please continue to submit the image donations for your test decks in the Deck Donation Drop Offs thread FIRST, then you can start claiming new donations like everyone else! You will still need to wait for approval on the new decks (then donate them in the previous thread after that) before claiming more decks but this way you can still get donations in.

Those who are deck makers will still be following the rules for deck makers that are mentioned in the Deck Donation Claims if you claim any new donations after that! For the decks you donated before being hired (if any), we will allow you to make those at your own pace AS LONG as they are completed before we officially re-open. This may be subject to change based on how many donations we get overall however, so we'll keep everyone updated in the deck making channel on the Discord! Further details for hired deck makers and how the process will work will be shared there as well when the time comes.

Posted by: Cassidy